Nice People - Nice Place - Rayz the Moments

City resort hotel with 4 start service owned by Univeristy of Muhammadiyah Malang

Surrounded by scenic beauty and attractive tourist attractions we make it convenient for you to visit all the beautiful places with our inhouse guide. We can also help you arrange transport facilities for an easier commute to nearby places

Rayz UMM - A Hotel Like No Other

We will help you experience vacation like no other. From stay at our comfortable rooms to eating authentic delicacies you are sure to walk home with memories and wonderful moments

Amenities & Facilities

If you are looking for a relaxing, refreshing and enjoyable experience altogether, we offer all of that under one roof.

Swimming Pool

Experience the joy of swimming in tropical vibes that gives you fresh and cool air


An exciting atmosphere where your little ones can experience excitement of various leisure semi-outdoor games

F&B Outlets

We have three in-house F&B outlets offering different cuisines that you can choose from

Happening Now

Our Inside Pictures

Take a look at some pretty pictures captured in and around our premises.


Latest Video

Travel Now or Never – Campaign October to November 2023

CSR – Culture & Education 2023, collaborated with local school to grow together

Festival Hari Anak Nasional 2024 at Outdoor Area

We Will Travel Again – Campaign 2022

What Our Guests Say

We take pride in serving our guests with the best experience. Read what they say.

"Kamar family nya cukup luas dan dg harga segitu,makanan dan fasilitas nya bagus, yg bikin plus ada alquran dan sajadah di kamar...ini berarti banget krn kadang klo liburan malah ga dibawa dg alasan tambah berat,jd ga ada alasan ga beribadah meski lagi liburan"
"Sya mengikuti seminar internasional yg kebetulan di adakan disini, kegiatan di adakan selama 3 hari. Fasilitas hotel cukup lengkap. Ada beberapa gedung dengan fasilitas kamar biasa dan VIP, Ballroom yg cukup besar bahkan cocok untuk acara pernikahan, kolam renang, Rooftop cafe dengan pemandangan langit bagus datang kesini di malam hari sekitar jam 8, Area makan dengan menu yg beragam, Area anak2 di samping kolam dan area makan. Parkiran luas tersedia untuk mobil dan motor disamping parkiran juga ada mesin ATM dan Toko Buku/Aksesoris. Hotel ini cukup strategis dekat dengan beberapa fasilitas Kota Malang dan Kota Batu."
"Terima kasih untuk pelayanannya, sangat baik dan ramah sekali. Kamar sesuai apa yg telah kami Requestkan. Kamar sangat besih dan rapi. Honeymoon set upnya lucu sekali. Kamu sangat puas saat masuk kamar, tak lupa kamar mandi juga didecor, luar biasa! Kami dapat surprise slice cake dengan hiasan, little gesture of sincerity means a lot for us, we love it so much. Thank you Rayz!"
"pertama kali nginep di hotel ini, kesan pertama terasa nyaman dengan kamar bersih dan staff yang ramah. dilengkapi playground dekat dengan kolam renang."

Plan an Unforgettable Experience in Rayz UMM Hotel Malang Today!

We can help you fit your stay and experience within your allotted budget

Book now and secure the best rate for your stay with our Best Rate Guarantee – enjoy unbeatable prices!