Dear Guests,
The COVID-19 pandemic, and the measures being taken to reduce transmission of the virus, will mean adjustments and challenges for all of us. We want to assure you the health and safety of our guest and employees are our top priorities. We also want you to know that we are still open with implementing standard health protocols in accordance with government regulations.
We also remind you to diligent in your efforts to follow the following protocols to keep us all safe.
- Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently.
- Remain in you home unless for the following reasons:
- Reporting to work as an essential employee
- Medical need (but remember if you have COVID-19 symptoms call your medical professional or hospital before coming into the office)
- Shopping for food
- Outdoor exercise or walking your pet
- Minimize your contact with hard surfaces or objects which others may have had previous contact.
- Wipe down any hard surface before and after you have come in contact with it.
- Keep a bottle of hand-sanitizer on you and use whenever you have come in contact with an object or surface outside your home.
- When outside of the home, remain at least 6 feet apart from any other individual not in your immediate household.
- Avoid coughing or sneezing into the open air. Instead, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or with your elbow.
As this situation continues to evolve, we will keep you updated via email, website, and instagram account. In addition, we have also adapted our reschedule and reservation change policies to offer additional flexibility to you. We take this opportunity to once again thank you for your support, and loyalty.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families of all those affected. And with the health and essential workers battling this pandemic.
Yanuar Arifien – Hotel Manager
Sy seorang petani asparagus di Malang. Apakah saya bisa memasok kebutuhan asparagus di Rayz UMM Hotel Malang? Bagaimana caranya? Terima kasih
ada charge hp samsung, pada kabelnya terdapat tempelen jempol yang di tekuk , barang saya yang tertinggal di hotel, saya menginap hari sabtu 11 Juni dan check out 12 Juni dikamar 409, mohon info, baik ada ataupun tidak ada dan no hp ada di berita customer servise, terima kasih sebelumnya, tadi pagi saya sudah menelpon, sampai malam belum ada balasan, dan malam ini, 13 Juni ini saya telp lagi tidak terangkat (maybe sibuk)
Selamat sore Ibu Wulandari,
Terimakasih sudah menghubungi kami melalui website.
Mengenai informasi tersebut, team kami sudah mengirimkan ke Ibu Wulandari.
Jika belum menerimanya, hubungi kami kembali melalui whatsapp reservasi.
Team Komunikasi